Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Monday, February 10, 2025


Will COVID Revive Regional Manufacturing?

The vulnerabilities of global supply chains exposed by the pandemic have reignited calls for reconstituting regional production capabilities with the ultimate goal of “reshoring” manufacturing—mainly from China. Those efforts ...Full Article

Server Market Gets a Hefty COVID Boost

The global server market extended its rally into the first quarter of 2020 as the pandemic-prompted global lockdown boosted enterprise reliance on cloud services. Surging demand for hyperscale cloud ...Full Article

IoT Deployments Appear Immune to Pandemic

Internet of Things connections driven by early industrial deployments and pandemic-driven telemedicine applications are projected to reach 83 billion by 2024, a 130 percent growth rate, as IoT platform ...Full Article

COVID Cabin Fever: Travel Uptick Detected as Curve Flattens

An analysis of smartphone location data since mid-March reveals an outbreak of what’s been described as COVID-induced “quarantine fatigue.” University of Maryland researchers studying how social distancing and shelter-in-place ...Full Article

Taiwan Is Open for Business: A COVID-19 Tech Template

Taiwan, tech-savvy and pandemic-prepared, has emerged as the gold standard for containing the spread of the novel coronavirus. Using hard lessons learned from previous epidemics, frequent earthquakes and other ...Full Article

Digital Twins of Cities Simulate Coronavirus Public Policy Impacts

President Trump’s stated desire that the country be “opened up” from social distancing by Easter (April 12) is a hotly debated coronavirus issue in political, media and healthcare circles. ...Full Article

Feds, Tech Industry Mull Use of Cell Phone Data for COVID-19 Hot Spot Analytics

Google and a host of other technology companies are in discussions with the federal government and health experts over the use of Americans’ cell phone tracking data to analyze ...Full Article

Crowdsourcing at Massive Scale Takes on COVID-19

For gamers, fighting against a global crisis is usually pure fantasy seen in a console – but now, it’s looking more like a reality. As supercomputers around the world ...Full Article

AI in the Fight to Detect and Cure Coronavirus

The COVID-19 coronavirus is rapidly spreading around the globe, threatening communities, alarming financial markets and, in many cases, forcing national epidemic response teams to quickly update and implement years-old ...Full Article
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