Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Sunday, February 16, 2025

Machine Learning Sparks Customer Insights from Decades of Data – ‘Fast Is Never Fast Enough’

We often hear that online retail is among the business sectors furthest along on its digital transformation and AI journeys. , the giant (2017 revenues: $1.75 billion) internet ...Full Article

At ISC18: Hyperion Reports Healthy Current & Future HPC Market Growth

Borne on the rising wave of emerging high performance data analytics (HPDA) and machine learning use cases, along with global government spending on development of exascale-class system the HPC ...Full Article

Cray Melds AI App Development with HPC

Cray Inc. is coming to the aid of harried application developers with a new workflow software suite designed to accelerate AI implementation by combining analytics and artificial intelligence capabilities ...Full Article

Mind the Gap: Coping with Big Data’s Big Costs

In an increasingly data-driven world, with flourishing data volumes and improvements to technological infrastructure, big data promises to benefit businesses in nearly every industry. A study conducted by the ...Full Article

Machine Learning: Scaling Past the Pilot Phase

In a world of cars that drive themselves and robots that do back flips, the fully automated industrial operation remains an aspiration. Limitations in real-time computing, AI and robotics ...Full Article

Google Adds TPUs to ML Engine, Updates Kubernetes

As the amount of machine learning training data soars, so too does demand for new tools that will accelerate the process. With that in mind, Google Cloud announced the ...Full Article

Public vs. Private Blockchains – Which One’s Right for You?

While blockchain is currently one of the most trumpeted technologies, some dismiss it as a fad related to cryptocurrency. The reality, however, is that companies across industries are looking ...Full Article

5G Seen as Key to IoT

Among the critical elements required to support expanding Internet of Things deployments are wider wireless pipes that consume less power. That’s the promise of IoT networks supported by emerging ...Full Article

The Good, Bad & Ugly of Public Clouds: Plenty of Each

Anything as immense, impactful and powerful as public cloud computing is bound to be variegated, encompassing the good, the bad and the ugly. As AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, IBM ...Full Article

Intel Increases AI, Chip Investments

Intel Corp.’s venture capital arm unveiled a dozen new investments in startups this week spanning AI, cloud, Internet of Things and semiconductor technologies. Intel Capital announced the new investments ...Full Article
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