Sererra Consulting Group Announces Platinum Sponsorship of Intacct Advantage 2013
<a title="Sererra Consulting Group, LLC." href="http://www.sererra.com/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Sererra Consulting Group, LLC.</a>, an industry leader in Green IT cloud business process and technology management solutions, today announced their Platinum Sponsorship ...Full Article
IR’s R8 RAD-Hard MOSFETs Increase Efficiency Up to 6% While Reducing Footprint 50%
International Rectifier, IR, a world leader in power management technology, introduced two high performance R8 radiation hardened (RAD-Hard) power MOSFETs optimized for space grade point-of-load (POL) voltage regulator applications.Full Article
No Federal Datacenter Left Behind
With less than two years left to hit 2015 targets and limited funding for the effort, federal datacenter managers are looking to alternative financing solutions, like Energy Savings Performance ...Full Article
Seattle Presentation to Detail New Economic Model Cutting Datacenter Costs
CH2M HILL, a global full-service consulting, design, construction, and operations firm, will join Niobrara Energy Park President, <span class="xn-location"><span class="xn-location">Craig Harrison,</span></span> for an <span class="xn-location">August 6</span> presentation of a new data center economic ...Full Article