Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Thursday, January 23, 2025


Cloud 2.0 Promises To Transform, Disrupt Industries

The growing computational power and pervasiveness of the cloud is generating new applications and services that could transform industries and create new ones, a sunny survey of the future ...Full Article

Riding the Customization Wave

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="63" border="0" />If you pick almost any piece of sporting equipment, be it a golf club or a pair of skis, chances are ...Full Article

Lean Manufacturing: Liberate Your Machining Processes

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="83" height="98" />Dr. Merdol describes a tool used to analyze real-world performance of tool paths prior to production regardless of the CAM system used ...Full Article

Don’t Fall Prey to CAM’s Weakest Link

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software helps manufacturers speed production and boost efficiency, but as with any technology, there are certain issues to watch out for.Full Article

Digital Manufacturing Report Card: Who’s Finding the Missing Middle?

Numerous initiatives from government and industry have been created to address the "Missing Middle" — small manufacturers who have not adopted the digital manufacturing techniques of computer-aided modeling and ...Full Article

One-Man Machine Shop Boosts Productivity with CAD/CAM Workflow

Delcam's FeatureCAM system enables even the smallest of operations to move to 3D machining.Full Article